some new videos

This first video I took of Oscar is a little jumpy. I was giving him a bath and trying to keep putting his toys up on the ledge and keep and eye on him at the same time, so I apologize if it make you a little sick. The night before, when I was giving Oscar his bath, I kept lining up all his toys along the edge, and he would take each one down while clearing his throat and throw it back into the tub. He didn't do that this time, but he still didn't think that they should sit on the side of the tub. He does this with anything you line up, whether it is on the couch, our bench or windowsill, so funny, it cracks me up every time.

This next video we took after about 15 minutes of Oscar throwing his ball around. He just started using the word "ball" and I got so excited for him, I think that is why he gets so excited about throwing it. He is playing off of my enthusiasm. No matter the reason, he is super excited and so much fun to watch play. I seriously do not know what we did before him, but I am pretty sure that we didn't laugh this much at just each other on a daily basis. (Well maybe I did this much laughing before, John is pretty funny...have you ever seen him dance? It is great... now that is a video I should have!)

*note: just to forewarn you, Oscar is pretty noisy, so if you have your volume turned way up, I would take it down a few notches.*

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