It has been a while, hasn't it?

First off, I want to thank all of you who have asked me lately where I have been, and if I am ok. We are fine here...kind of. Oscar has been sick, but I think we have finally found out what is causing his high temps and sleepless nights, so hopefully he will be back to his regular self soon. Add that and a few other projects I had to finish up and that doesn't leave much time to blog. I am sorry. I do have a long list of things I want to share with you, however, so expect a overdose of blog posts in the next couple days.

One of the things I have been working on is a sign and decorating ideas for Sticks and Stones. This sign is now hanging up in the window of the new store. I am so excited for Sonja, and the crew at Sticks and Stones. And I am super excited to have another store to do displays in.
She has the cutest clothes in her shop, and it is always so much fun to come up with decorating ideas for here store.

Stay tuned to my blog and Sticks and Stones' blog for more information on the new store.

*I did finish up my 30 for 30 project, and will be posting photos of the rest of my outfits throughout the week.*

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