a day of crafts

I spent most of day 16 crafting up a storm. I have been working on these props for a friend who is photographing a wedding at the end of the month. I wanted to see how they looked in pictures and so I decide to multitask and test the props while we shot the 30 for 30 outfit. I like this outfit, and yet, I have never worn any of these pieces together, so I guess the challenge is doing exactly what it is suppose to be doing. Remixing all the old items in my closet into completely new outfits.
Along with working on the props for my friend, I have also been busy getting stuff ready for a baby shower I am hosting for my cousin, and planning Oscar's birthday party. My mind has been a jumbled up mess of different ideas and projects running thru it constantly, but I actually prefer my mind that way, running on creative energy as opposed to sitting still.
Want to know a little secret, that black sheer shirt that I have on, it was actually a dress, a sort of maternity dress (not actually maternity wear, it is from Banana Republic and it really is not that racy, it had a slip under it). I purchased it for a wedding when I was newly pregnant, and wore it as a dress until my belly got too big, then I worn it as a shirt until the day Oscar was born, it worked out great as a grow-with-my belly piece. About 2 months after I had Oscar, I needed a shirt for a little party, but I was still carrying around some baby weight. I grabbed that old dress/shirt, cut off a few inches and worn it as a tunic with skinny jeans and bright red heels. I loved that outfit, I am not sure if it was because I felt pretty in it, after months and months of not feeling so pretty, or if it was because it covered all the "problem areas" I had yet to loose after Oscar. Either way, it is the one maternity piece I still have, and would ever wear again. Now I like it because it still covers any "bits" that I am not feeling so great about and I like that the belt around the middle accentuates the skinniest part of my waist and tricks the eye. This shirt was actually one of the first shirts that I grabbed when I was choosing my pieces for my challenge, and until recently I haven't mix it in much, which is sad because it really is versatile. Expect to see much more of this shirt for the last half of the remix because I plan on recreating many more outfits with this old thing.

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