Plays well with others

We had another play date today, with some of my girlfriends from high school and their cute little boys. It was so nice catching up and letting the boys play. Oscar was quite shy at first (another trait he gets from his mama) but after a little time just sitting back and watching he decided to join in the fun. He was just warming up and feeling secure enough to get off my lap and play, but unfortunately it was getting late and we had to go. I clearly saw how much these play dates are needed not only for him but for me as well. I want him to feel comfortable making new friends and playing outside the comforts of his living room, so I am looking forward to many other play dates this spring and summer.

Do you hear that Jill and Brigette, expect to see a lot more of us!

I really do like the outfit I chose to wear for our little get together, it felt very bohemian-chic. Like something Nicole Richie would wear to a play date, I know the resemblances between us are uncanny. I have been told I am the spitting image of her. *completely joking - in case my sarcasm didn't come across. But seriously, the lady at Wal-Mart comments that I look just like Rachel Ray every time I accidentally choose her lane to check out at. And then she gets a really disappointed look on her face when I tell her I really can't cook. I have also been told that I look a lot like the girl from Napoleon Dynamite - you know Deb, I guess these are a nice second to Nicole Richie. Back to my point, great outfit for a play date, comfy and looks pulled together but yet still relaxed.

And, did you notice that today is day 15! That means that I am 1/2 of the way done with my challenge, and despite a short a short little meltdown a few days ago when I felt like all my outfits were dull and boring, I have enjoyed doing this challenge and am looking forward to doing it again this spring.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, I LOVE this outfit! Love it! I wish it was mine!! Your top is so pretty, love the belt and scarf. A perfect combo! How old is your little guy? He's super cute!! My little girl is almost 9 months, where does the time go?! Glad I found your blog. OXO Natalie
