I think I can, I think I can...

This past week flew by, and I didn't get a single post up, so I am once again trying to catch up. That is why today, you are not just getting one outfit, you are getting days 11 through 14, and I still have days 15 and on that I have yet to post on. Oh well, we will get there.

I think one of the reasons, I have been procrastinating posting these outfits is because, I was never really super excited about any of them. After catching up on what all the other 30 for 30 gals are up to, this seems to be a common problem as we reach the halfway point for out challenge, so I am just going to push on through and look for some inspiration, and hopefully will come up with something new and exciting to me. I have noticed that there are a few pieces that I have hardly worn or haven't even worn yet. So I am pushing those to the front of my closet, and I set a goal for myself to incorporate them into my outfits this week.

Day 11 {Sunday}

Day 12 {Lover's Day}
We started out Valentine's Day with special heart shaped pancakes for my littlest Valentine, although he had no idea because I cut them up into safe bite sized pieces for him. Oscar had a Dr appointment at 4:00 that day, so John and I decided to just have a nice dinner at home as a family.

I did however get a nice little treat from him (milk duds) which are this girls choice of chocolate, he knows me so well. Oscar made him a little card and I got him a small little gift too, so Valentine's Day didn't go unnoticed at this house, we just don't get to mushy and romantic. A quiet dinner with my two guys and a box of milk duds to myself are my idea of a GREAT Valentine's.

Day 13 {Dinner with a friend}
On Tuesday, I went out to dinner with a good friend. I had been wanting Mexican food all day, so I was happy when I was able to talk her into fulfilling my craving. It was nice to get out of the house alone, it had been a while. This outfit was not as disappointing to me as the others from this week had been. I am glad I added a pop of color with the turquoise necklace, without it I am afraid this outfit would of been another boring ensemble.

Day 14 {a very cute dinner guest}
On Wednesday, Oscar had a new little friend over for dinner, (I was babysitting for a friend), they were so cute together, they kept smiling at each other across the dinner table. They both ate all their dino-nuggets, neither of them would touch a green bean, and they both settled on a banana instead. Later on they played so nice together, and when it was time to settle down we all snuggled on the couch to watch a little Madagascar. I can't wait to get these two boys together again!

As dull as this outfit may look, it was great for what our plans were that day, which included cleaning, and cleaning and more cleaning. Preparing for Oscar's little buddy to come over. I actually didn't have this outfit on for long though, shortly after these pictures were taken, we sat down to lunch and I had an entire sippy cup filled with apple juice spilled all over me, I won't say who did it, but I was quite a sticky mess. So I threw on something else, it was from the 30 for 30 wardrobe, but it was less than exciting. So boring that I didn't even bother to retake my pictures in it, but if you are curious, and need to know... it was a grey shirt and black pants! There...gosh you guys are nosy.

 Thanks for sticking with me through that looonnnnggg post, I am going to get over this halfway hump and get excited about my outfits again. I think I can, I think I can.... oh, but wait, I am still not done, I have more outfits to get caught up on, so check back, I am going to try to get those up soon.
Our day went a little something like this, sleep in (a little) with a 11 month old sleeping in for us means 7:45! Had a nice breakfast, played, worked on a few projects, napped, ate again, ran a few errands, ate, got ready for bed, slept. Pretty exciting huh. Perhaps it was my lack of adventure on a Sunday afternoon that led me to this {yawn} outfit. I am not saying it is horrible or anything, but after looking at the pictures, I know I could of done better. However, this outfit is MUCH better than the "old uniform", so I think I get a pat on the back for that, don't you?

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