A Lovely Project

{* note: I set up this post to publish yesterday, but I must of done something wrong because it never showed up. So here it is...a day late, oh well. I am working on my blogs from my 30 for 30 from this weekend, and Valentine's Day but my blogger is not letting me upload photos for some reason so they may not get up today, we will see.}

This is a little project Oscar and I did for our loves for Valentines Day. I laid out a piece off fabric in front of Oscar and put a few globs of red and white paint on it and let him go to town rubbing it all around. When the fabric dried, I cut out rectangles big enough to hold a gift card and backed it with interfacing and a contrasting fabric. Sewed them together, wrote a little message inside, added some snaps and filled it with a gift card.

Later, these pouches can be used as a coin purse, jewelry pouch, or small card holder.

Happy Valentine's Day.

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