Day 10 - Past, present and future

Yesterday, we went to Ikea with my aunt, mom and my sister. All three of us need the chocolate cake from Ikea on a regular basis, so we meet up there for a day of chocolate, shopping and conversation. It was a great day, and of course I left with a trunk full of new toys for Oscar. I didn't buy a thing however, my aunt and mom spoiled him this time. I do love Ikea's toy department. Everything is so well priced and I like that most of it is made of wood or fabric, instead of the battery operated plastic ones you find everywhere else. Being new to this whole motherhood thing, I don't usually dish out advice, I am usually the one asking the questions, but this is my first piece of advice for any other mother that wants at Ikea for your toys, you will be pleasantly surprised. Now, enough of my life changing toy shopping wisdom, this is what I wore for our Ikea adventure. I am surprised at how much I am wearing skirts, I only threw a few in because I really didn't think it was practical for a stay at home mom to wear skirts everyday, but I was wrong. To me, they are actually more comfortable to wear than jeans and when you throw a pair of thick tights (which are actually more like leggings) underneath it makes playing on the floor with your little guy doable.

Today I didn't wear something from my 30 for 30 wardrobe. I woke up, and threw on my "old clothes" with good intentions of scrubbing the house from top to bottom. It started out great, John was gone for the day so I had to try and entertain Oscar while I worked. He was playing so nice while I mopped the kitchen floor, and scrubbed the sink and stove. I was just about to give the cupboards a major clean out when I peeked over at Oscar to see what he was up to and he look so sweet playing with all his toys by himself, AND he look like he was having so much more fun than me! So I nixed the cleaning idea and decided to play instead. That is what Saturdays are for anyway, play. Our house looked like it had been turned upside down when I finally put him to bed for the night, but that is ok because we had so much fun. We read his books a million times, literally, we practiced clapping and I tried really hard to get him to walk. We had snacks that weren't all healthy, and when he took a nap, I threw in a movie that I haven't seen in a while and ate some more unhealthy snacks. It was great, everybody needs to throw in a day like today every once in a while.
When John returned home, Oscar was showing off some of the tricks we had worked on (the soooo big game), and we were both rolling at how funny he is. Every time we would say "Oscar is sooo big" he would throw his hands up in the air and then lunge forward. Well, just watch the video, my description doesn't really do it justice.

As you can see from the video, my living room is quite a mess. I think we had out every single toy out today. And to be honest, it still looks that way right now.

Tomorrow, I will get dressed in a 30 for 30 outfit, but I can't promise that I will clean my house.

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