Watercolor May

This spring has been quite wet here. And although I love a good rain storm, it was hard to get my yard work done, garden planted, and play time in outside because it just wouldn't let up. The last week of May it would rain for a while, then the sun would come up, and then it would rain again, it continued on like this until memorial weekend. Then it was like a light switch turned on and mother nature realized that it was the unofficial start of summer and we need some warm sun.
We were itching to get out of the house, so every time the sun would peek through the clouds that last week in May, Oscar and I would throw on our shoes and head outside until the rain started again.
Even though it was tough to spend a lot of time outside, the rain made everything so pretty. There was a wonderful aroma fo lilacs and fresh rain in the air.
The grass and trees turned green, the gardens started to bloom bright colors, birds chirped back and forth to one another as they gathered up worms, and from time to time a faint rainbow would frame the sky.

I finally got my yard work started (really, it is never finished), my garden is planted, and we are waiting patiently to enjoy some fresh veggies and fruit from it. And of course we have been outside playing any chance we get.
I have been eagerly waiting for summer to begin, as I have a lot planned for Oscar, John and I. We are looking forward to picnics at the park, watching some baseball games, going for bike rides, taking swimming lessons, digging in the garden, visiting the zoo, and much, much more.
It is going to be a great summer, let's just hope the weather cooperates.

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