Tag sale goodies

A few weekends ago Oscar and I joined a good friend of mine, Bridget, and her son for some local tag sales. I haven't had the best luck finding great vintage things around my small town, most of the time the tag sales here are filled with baby gear and clothing (great if you need it, but I do not).
Bridget was on the hunt for a coffee table and book shelves, so O and I came along mostly for support and help hauling her purchase home.
I was pleasantly surprised however at the few that we stopped at, as I found some great goodies.

I picked up this little tea plate to add to my collection.

Oscar got another chalk board, and I like that this one has a little ledge to hold his chalk too.

I found this old quilt, it was only .25 cents and all it needed was a good washing to be usable.

I also, grabbed this sweet little child’s chair for .50 cents. Oscar loves that he can climb up on it and get off all by himself, as it is the perfect size for him right now.
Bridget and I also split up a stack of vintage trays that were a steal. Anytime I see a vintage tray I like I pick it up, and have used them for many things throughout my house. I plan on sharing some of the ways I use the trays with you soon.
Bridget seriously scored big time at the tag sales, she snagged up a sweet vintage coffee table (that I am already lusting after), and she got a great deal on it too. She also ended up going home with a cool old classroom clock, an antique orchard basket, and a heavy duty mirror. She didn't find the bookshelf she was looking for, but summer is just beginning and there are going to be many more tag sales to check out, so I have faith that she will find a great piece.

Stay tuned also, for a little redo we are working on in Bridget's great Victorian apartment. Sometime within the next couple of weeks I am headed to her place to update her space by shopping around her own house, and with a little paint and some simple DIY projects I will give a new life to old pieces. We are both excited to get going on this makeover, and I will defiantly share with you our before and after photos, as well as some great tips for doing the same things in your home.

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