
Today was a hard day. Today my brother Jesse left for the Navy. Jesse and I are only 5 years apart, but for some reason since the day Jesse was born, I have worried about him like a mother. When he was a baby, I worried when he cried. When he was a small boy, I worried when he got hurt. When he went to kindergarten, I worried that he would be scared. When he went to middle school, I worried that he wouldn't make friends. When he went to High School, I worried that the older kids would be mean to him. When he got his license, I worried that he wouldn’t wear his seatbelt. When he became a young adult, I worried that he wouldn’t make good choices. And tonight, as Jesse is alone in his hotel room, waiting to leave for boot camp tomorrow morning, I am worried that he is as sad as I am that he is leaving. I am worried that he is going to regret his decision, and not be able to come home. I am worried that he is scared. But, thinking about all the time I have worried about Jesse, everything has been ok, and I know that with this new adventure, this too will be ok. He will get to see things and places that I probably will never get the chance to see. This will probably be the “best decision he has ever made”, and I am excited to hear the amazing stories he will have to tell when he gets back. But, that doesn’t mean that I am going to stop worrying, I will probably worry about Jesse for the rest of our lives….that’s what big sisters are for.

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