
We have been VERY busy with a kitchen remodel, which I am so excited about. It has been a little stressful trying to get everything done in time for baby's arrival, but my parents have been wonderful and were here all week working hard.

I can't wait to post pictures of the finished product.

When my mind is not on the long list of things that need to get done before our little guy gets here, I am constantly wondering what our baby will look like.

Will he look anything like this?

I am measuring 2 weeks bigger than I should be, so of course I am freaked out that I am going to have this HUGE baby. I imagine him looking something like this....

I wonder if our baby will have lots of hair, or be completely bald. Will he have brown, blonde or maybe red hair? Will he really take after his daddy and look like this?

No matter what he looks like, he is running out of room in there! I am so uncomfortable, and I can't imagine that he is comfortable. It won't be long now...6 weeks, give or take a few.

And we can hardly wait!!!

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