Christmas Pictures

Well 11:00 last night was the only time John and I could find to do Christmas pictures (truthfully it was John who could only do it at 11:00, I think he thought he would get out of it if he gave me such a ridiculous time.... but oh no baby.... you can't get out of it that easy!) Anyway it was quite a fiasco, I forgot to pick up the tri-pod from my parents, so I had to keep stacking things on top of one another until I got it the right height. And I forgot to get batteries, and of course the ones that I had in my camera worked for about 2 pictures and then went dead, so we emptied every remote we could find, dug through every drawer, and purse, and finally came up with enough batteries to get some pictures done. After all the fuss, they didn't turn out that great.... I like the test ones the best. I think they are kinda cute, do you think our family will mind if they don't see our faces on our Christmas card?

1 comment:

  1. I love them! ...and eh-hmmm..where is mine?
    Misses you and luvs you more.
