cleaning house

Well these photos are a bit random, but I was cleaning up my computer and found some images that I have never posted about. Here they are.... enjoy..... and have a wonderful turkey (or in my case non-turkey day)!

I know that this room has been on other blogs, but I just love it. The colors are so soothing, and the room has a great feeling.

I am instantly drawn to rooms like this.... clean, bed crisply made, and sun pouring in from the windows (maybe that is because my room is never free of laundry, and my bed rarely gets made)!

I love everything about this house.... I am ready to move in today, please! The awnings, shutters and the details on the shutters, the GREAT front door... in Tiffany blue!!!!

With winter creeping in, I especially love this back yard, is it bad to say that I am ready for summer?

I kept this room because I love the chairs, and the red on the door, widow and cabinet. In fact, when our kitchen is done, I think I am going to try and paint my cabinets red.

I love the crispness of the colors of these rooms, and I am sure that I could not resist them because they are red and yellow (two of my favorite colors). I think these rooms are great because they are traditional, with a very fun twist. I could see both of them for a little girls room, a guest room, or even my bedroom for that matter.
Wouldn't you love to wake up to such a cheery room?

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