I believe that one of the best things about raising children is seeing the world in a whole new way. Everything is new to them and everything is absolutely amazing. Whenever we see anything blowing in the wind (grass, trees, flags, garbage, etc.) Oscar stops dead in his tracks and blows it (like he is blowing out candles on a birthday cake) I really do think that he believes it is his "job" to be the wind and he is very serious about it. Going for walks with him has become a brand new adventure for me. Before he came along, I would walk fast, listen to my iPod and look straight ahead, but now, with Oscar we take our time, we look up to the trees and "blow" on them for a while then we notice a bird flying by and stare in amazement at it until a colorful flower catches our eye. We pick up sticks and examine them over and over, we throw rocks into puddles and watch in awe as ripples form where it hits the water. All of these things I have seen a million times and sadly didn't stop to notice until Oscar. I am so grateful for him, he has reminded me to slow down, take notice and enjoy all the little things.

We were on our way to my Aunt and Uncle’s anniversary party a little while ago and John stopped for gas. I could hear Oscar in the back seat “oohing” and “awing” so I turned around to see these buntings blowing in the wind. I immediately got out and snapped some pictures. He was right they really were cool. Normally I would of never even noticed them, but Oscar spotted them instantly and he “blew”…and “blew”….and “blew” while we drove away. Good job buddy, you really are the wind.

Yesterday we were outside and Oscar was instantly drawn to the puddles in our driveway. I was letting him throw rocks into the puddles, but he wanted so badly to get right in there, and I was getting stressed out trying to keep him from sticking his little foot in that muddy puddle every chance he got. Then it dawned on me, why can’t he get wet? It is warm enough out and who is he hurting by getting his shoes and clothes muddy? Nobody. Everything is washable, including him. So the next time he went to stick his foot in the puddle I didn’t stop him. He was EXTATIC! Stomping around in that puddle brought him so much joy. He didn’t care when he fell down on his but right in the middle, instead he sat there and splashed around. The smile on his face was priceless. I pray that he never grows into a stuffy adult, I hope that he always jumps in the puddles instead of walking around them. And I hope that I remember what is more important, keeping a little boy clean or letting him explore the world around him? I want to always choose to let him explore, it is much more fun for both of us anyway.

We are looking forward to spending some time outside today, I am sure we will have some mud to play in, flowers (dandelions) to pick, bugs to watch, and of course a job to do…”be the wind”. What are your plans today? Whether you have children or not, take some time to play and maybe stomp in some puddles.

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