30 for 30 and some random phone numbers


As promised, I am posting some more of my 30 for 30 outfits. I really wish I remembered what we did on these days, but I have no idea...heck, I can't even remember what I did yesterday! I do however remember the phone numbers from most of my friends from high school...even though 1) none of my girlfriends actually live at these houses anymore, 2) nor do most of their parents, and 3) all of them have cell phones, so the fact that I remember these numbers is just plain silly, but yet there they sit, in my brain taking up valuable space. If I could just replace (***) ***-7906, (***)***-4602, (***)***-7914, (***)***-5693 ...etc, etc, with what we did on these days, I would have a much better blog post for you today. But I don't, so for that I am sorry.
Stay tuned for the rest of my 30 for 30 outfits, and some more useless information from me.

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