Day 7 - Comfy sweater and a cute baby

I had to grab Oscar for these pictures for 3 reasons. 1) he was awake from his nap a little early, 2) most of my family and friends read this blog to catch up on what my little side kick is up to, and I was afraid I would lose all their interest if they had to look at me in basically the same outfit for 30 days. and 3rd) well obviously Oscar makes every outfit cuter!
We had a fun day today, my parents stopped over with pizza for dinner, and Oscar entertained all of us with his jibber jabber and hilarious facial expressions. He is getting to be such a ham!
Also, these pictures do not do his hair justice, it is ridiculous! It keeps getting longer and longer, but refuses to lie down. He gets comments on it wherever we go, and I secretly hope it stays this way for a long time because I am so in love with it.

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