Day 4 - Getting out of the house in style.

Since we have been hanging out at home the last few day, Oscar and I both needed to get out of the house for a while, so most of our day was spent running errands. Nothing too exciting just the bank and post office, but we did make a stop at Target, which is O and my happy place. This time however, I went straight to the formula and diapers, and stayed clear of the woman's department. I can't seem to come home from target without something little for me. But I am sticking to the rules of the 30 for 30 and so I decided not to even tempt myself this time. I did however grab a little treat for myself at the check out counter for being so good, but I don't think that is breaking any rules. Kendi never said a girl can't have chocolate.
It was actually kinda nice out so this outfit worked out great, all I added to it for our outing was a hat and a scarf. The blazer kept me plenty warm, which was really nice, you have no idea (until you have a child of your own in winter weather) how exhausting it is to get a winter jacket and hat on them and then carry them along with their diaper bag and your purse to and from the car and store. I swear that winter jacket makes Oscar 10lbs. heavier. And then to do it when you are all bundled up in your winter gear! It almost makes me want to stay inside until spring. Back to my point, the outfit worked out great because it meant no winter jacket for me, one less thing to put on and take off.
I am kinda over the whole tucking your pants into your boots look, but continue to do it, and probably will for a while because it is so nice when there is snow and ice melt on the ground. It keeps your pants from getting all wet and gross on the bottom. So as much as I am tired of the whole look it really does serve a nice purpose for now.

1 comment:

  1. yeah - there isnt much else you can do with so much snow! but i do love this look. especially the red pants!
