Day 2 - Stripes, ruffles, and new bangs.

On a whim this morning I decided to cut my bangs, and I am enjoying them...for now. I will let you know in a week how I feel. Anyway, I really liked this outfit today. I got the gray shirt at Sticks and Stones ( a boutique in Mankato, that I do some store displays for), and haven't worn it as much as I should, it is so comfortable and really makes a ordinary outfit something special. 
Along with getting out of my usual everyday wear, I decided to throw on some lip stick. It is amazing how much a little color on your lips can do for your confidence. So far I am having fun doing the 30 for 30, I feel so inspired choosing my outfit for the day. I would recommend everyone to try and do something similar to the 30 for 30 every once in a while. When I go to my closet and look at the clothes I have chosen for my challenge my eyes start looking at each piece differently and numerous outfit possibilities start to appear, as opposed to before, when I would try to pick something out, my mind went blank and I was almost overwhelmed, so instead of putting new pieces together, I would throw on things that I have worn time and time again together.
I am easing up to the camera a little bit more than the first day, today I took some shots of tequila before my photo shoot. Just kidding.
Check out what Linley wrote on why she remixes. It is exactly how I used to look at my closet, and I love all of her outfit remixes too.

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