Cleaning House and the 30 for 30

You may have noticed that I cleaned things up a bit on the blog. That's what winter in Minnesota does to me, it just gets a little too long and I start nesting, only unlike last year, I am not nesting waiting for a little baby to arrive, this year I am nesting waiting for the first signs of spring. I am so longing for some green grass and warm days, but for now I will just have to settle for a green blog title I guess. Along with cleaning up my blog, I have been busy cleaning up our house as well and finishing up all those projects so that when spring finally arrives I can go out and play.
Cleaning up our house and my closet inspired me to do this challenge. It is a 30 for 30 Closet Remix challenge put on by the Kendi. The rules of the game are...
You have to choose 30 items from your closet and remix them for 30 days creating 30 new outfits. (Accessories do not count). And during the 30 day challenge you cannot spend any money on clothing items for yourself, which is going to be very sad, because I just got two emails telling me that Anthropologie and J.Crew have some great sales going on. (long sigh).
I am so excited about this challenge, since I left my job to stay home with Oscar, well, lets just say I have been in kind of a fashion rut. I feel bad for my poor husband who has seen me in yoga pants and sweatshirts day in and out. I knew I needed to change that, not just for him, but for me. I am so happy to be Oscar's mommy and I feel so blessed that I get to stay home with him, but right now the way I look doesn't say happy mommy, it says sad tired mommy, and honestly that is not the way I feel at all. Oscar needs to be proud of his mommy, and John deserves someone who will at least make an effort to look good for him (although, he is so sweet and would never tell me to change anything). And I need to not loose who I was before Oscar came into our life, I used to love fashion and took great pride in what I wore. I am looking forward to getting back to that and remixing my closet. 

So, here are the items I have chosen for my 30 for 30 challenge.

6 shirts

4 cardigans
3 dressy shirts

4 blazers

2 skirts

1 dress

4 pants

6 shoes
= 30 items
Let the closet remix begin!

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