A new year.

2010 was great...fantastic actually. My best memory from 2010 (and will forever be one of the best memories of my life) was the day Oscar was born.
We have had so much fun watching him grow in 2010 and are looking forward to all the new adventures 2011 will bring.

I am starting off 2011 with a 21 day detox diet, and have hesitated to write about it for fear that I might fail, but I decided that I am going to update you from time to time on how it is going in hopes that by writing about it I will stick to the plan and make some healthy choices. I will be following the detox plan from Kris Carr's book Crazy Sexy Diet: Eat Your Veggies, Ignite Your Spark and Live Like You Mean It! There are a few of us on board including this lady and her Mama and if you would like to join us feel free to email me and we will all support each other as we eat our veggies and drink our juice. I did some stumbling around on the web for other detox plans and found that Martha Stewart is also doing one that is similar, but not quite as strict check it out too if you are interested. I am planning on combining the two because I really like her workout plans.

I am also looking forward to 2011 because of the shop I have been telling you all about for months and months now, well it will be opening up SOON. I promise. I was overwhelmed and very grateful for all the Christmas orders I had just from posting a few things here and there on this blog, but by the time I had those orders filled and Christmas came around, I was so sick of my sewing machine that I needed a little break, but NOW, I am ready to get back on the horse and sew, sew, sew for the shop. I have some fun ideas and am excited to launch them in 2011. I will let you know as soon as I "open shop".

"May your coming year be fill with magic and dreams and good and madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you are wonderful, and don't forget to make some art - write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope somewhere in the next year you surprise yourself." - Neil Gaiman

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