Baby Charlotte

Quinn's Grandma was my first grade teacher. Then in 2nd grade, I moved schools and Quinn was in my class, we have been friends ever since. We lived together in college, we were in each others weddings... and now we are having babies together. I went to meet her sweet little Charlotte, who was only a little over a week old, and the sweetest little baby you will ever see. My wish is that Charlotte and Oscar will know each other as they grow up and will be great friends.

She was such a tiny little peanut, and I think she looks a lot like Quinn.

Charlotte even put her Halloween costume on for us.

Isn't she the cutest little chili pepper you have ever seen. She looks so warm and comfortable, I sort of want a chili costume of my own to wear on these cold nights.

Ummm, I also had to show the chandelier in Charlotte room. It is almost as cute as she is, and if I wasn't so short and their ceiling was not so high I may have tried to sneak it home with me. I'm only kidding...sort of.

I had to make something for Charlotte, and although I love to make things for Oscar, I had a GREAT time coming up with some girly ideas to bring for Charlotte. I only had time to do two of them, but next time I visit I will be sure to make some more girly gifts for her. Girls are just so much more fun to dress up...sorry Oscar.

First I made her a pair of cozy pants. I made them out of a maternity sweater I wore last year. They were super easy...look for a tutorial on these in the future.

And then I made her a little hat. I made sure it was nice and warm and had some flaps to cover her tiny ears. I fell in love with this hat, so be sure to check my Etsy shop (opening soon) for some of these.

Congratulations Quinn and James on your sweet baby girl, I am so in love with her.


  1. I want a hat like that! Will you make them in grown-up sizes please!? And I don't know who I want to squeeze more, Charlotte or Oscar. Cute pics Stace!

  2. So cute!! Is your shop going to be something in town?

  3. So cute!! Is you Etsy shop going to be in town?!
