Gone Too Long

Wow! I have been a slacker.... not ONE blog post since APRIL !!!! Hey, don't judge, I have been having too much fun with Mr. Oscar. Here is a little recap our last 6 months….


March 21, 2010

Oscar was born at 5:35 and…

{he was just perfect}

Oscar 1 month

{The first month of our life with Oscar was filled with pure joy}

and a million questions…

“Is he sleeping too much?” “Is he sleeping enough?” “How much should he be eating?’ “Is it normal for a baby to snore when he sleeps?” “How many diapers should I be changing a day?” “What kind of formula should I use?” and so on….

Then came month 2

And we settled into our roll as parents, we became more confident. We knew what cry meant he was hungry and which one meant he was tired. Oscar slept on my chest every night because I loved to smell his sweet baby breath and feel his soft fuzzy head under my chin.

{Life was good.}

Oscar at 3 months

Oscar surprised us this month by sleeping all thru the night, he also went from being a newborn to an alert baby who smiled and cooed at us.

{I thought life couldn’t get any better, I was wrong because soon…}

Oscar was 4 moths old

And Oscar not only smiled and cooed at us, but he began laughing at the stupid faces we were making. Oscar also decided at 4 months that sleeping thru the night was for the birds and that mommy and daddy were so much fun to be around that he would like to play every 2 hours throughout the night, he also started teething which meant LOTS of drool and chewing on EVERYTHING!

{life with Oscar was so, so sweet.}

Oscar 5 months old

I loved Oscar at this stage, and he LOVED his Mamma! He learned how to give great big hugs and big wet kisses, which, of course I could never get enough of. I do believe that two of Oscar’s favorite places are Target and Barnes and Noble (they happen to be my favorite too.) Oscar started riding up front of the target shopping cart and he was so proud of himself for doing so… he would squeal with delight all the way through the store. He was also still teething!

{life was beautiful}

Oscar is now 6 months old

I can’t believe how fast time has gone by, and I cannot remember my life without Oscar in it. Oscar loves to dance and he has some awesome moves, which he totally gets from me. He loves when we play the harmonica for him, even though we have no idea what we are doing… to him it is beautiful music. He is such a happy baby and cuddly too. He is still teething, poor guy, but I think soon he should be getting those bothersome teeth in… I hope. He loves when we go out or when people come to visit us, but he also keeps his eye on me and makes sure that I don’t get to far away. He loves to play with hair and is not very gentle about it. Oscar talks all day long and sometimes in his sleep too. He is not sleeping through the night again but is slowly making his way to his crib, which isn’t really as bad of a transition as I thought it was going to be. Oscar loves to walk and dance, and he does both at the same time... to him they go hand in hand, which makes me laugh all day long.

{isn’t life grand?}

also, most of these are from my iPhone, so please excuse the blurriness!

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