Christmas Eve 2009

Snow canceled our travel plans for Christmas this year, but I can't complain too much because is was beautiful outside. I love waking up to fresh snow on the ground. We didn't get as much as I expected, but they say more is coming so we are staying put. I spent most of the day baking and knitting (all the things you should be doing when a blizzard hits).

Norton even had a blast in the snow today... for a few minutes anyway, and then just like his mom (I mean master) he enjoyed looking out the window at all the snow while we snuggled up in a nice warm house.

I hope every one is safe and warm just like the Slattery's are today!

I also wanted to share the pictures we took for Christmas this year. I especially like these, because being pregnant, I am not looking so hot in pictures these this shot just shows my legs, which I can live with.

And then....

a very cute one of Mom and Dad.

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