Grandma B.

I was organizing the pictures on my computer when all of a sudden a photo appeared that took my breath away.  I took these pictures of my Grandma Bleninger’s hands about a week before she passed away, and forgot about them until now. I have always wanted to do a post about my Grandma, and I think now, as we wrap up 2009, is a fitting time to remember such a great wife, mother, sister, and grandmother.

She was such a sweet lady. She was a quiet observer, she let us do all the talking and was very content just listing to our thoughts. Many, many times she watched all 10 of us grandchildren at the same time, and never once do I remember her loosing patients with any of us. I remember her helping me get to sleep by gently running her hands down my forehead and over my eyes. I would try to open my eyes in between strokes down, but eventually she would win and my eyes would stay shut for the night. When she became ill, I spent nights just rubbing her back, sometimes for the entire night, those were some of my favorite moments spent with her. I feel so lucky that I had the opportunity to spend so much time with my grandmother. My New Year’s resolution this year is to remember the things I have learned from my Grandma Bleninger and try to incorporate them into my life.

{What Grandma Bleninger has taught me}

Always eat breakfast

Go for a walk every day

Do less talking and more listing

Don’t be so quick to throw things away

And enjoy your dessert

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