Me in a collage

This is me
This is me - by slls on

I have been playing around on Polyvore a lot lately, it is very addicting! This is a collage of items that I think describe me best.

1. The clothes (Jeans, shirt, cardigan, boots, and purse) are the typical "Stacy outfit"... nothing to exciting, but always classic and comfortable.

2. The dog of course is for my Norton, I love that fuzzy little guy so much it makes my heart hurt!

3. The aviator sunglasses represent the sunglasses I got from my Grandpa Bleninger (they were the glasses he wore when he was flying) and I cherish them so much.

4. The red Moleskin planner is the exact planner I have, and I never leave home with out it... in fact, if I do, I have a panic attack!

5. The Stella beer is my choice of drink when I actually visit drinking establishments, which is rarely.

6. This bike is my dream bike, I fixed up a bike this summer, and although it turned out very cute, I guess some paint and a sweet little basket, were the least of its problems. I took it around the block, but that is as far as we could go before the chain locked up. This summer I hope to have a cute bike that actually works.

7. The camera in this collage is much nicer than the one I own, but I girl can dream can't she.

8. If you catch me sitting on the couch, I am most likely reading my Skinny Bitch in the Kitch book, looking for a new recipe to try. Since I have become a vegetarian this last spring, the Skinny Bitch books are my food bible.

9. The Starbucks cup... do I even need to explain this one, if you know me, you know that I am usually on my way to a Starbucks to get a soy Carmel latte (thanks Krysta for turning me on to this), or on my way home, with one in hand.

10. The apple and water, represent my New Years resolution... which is to eat more fruit and drink more water (which I am proud to say I am sticking to).

11. The leaves represent my favorite season... fall!

12. And the tennis ball, is a HUGE part of my life ... no I have not picked up the game of tennis, the tennis ball is there because if I am not throwing it for Norton, it is being shoved in my hands for the next toss. I am not kidding you, I swear I spend 90% of my day tossing that ball around. With all that time playing fetch, I cannot understand why Norton's Vet says he is over weight!

and in case you were wondering why I don't have anything for John in my collage, I searced high and low for something to represent him, but I couldn't find anything good. But don't worry he is on the top of my list of things that are most important to me (tied with Norton). :-)

So there you have it, my life in a collage. Expect a lot more of these because, like I said it is so addicting. I am challenging Krysta and Ashley to come up with a collage of the things in their life. I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

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